To lose weight quickly, you need to lower your sugar in the blood

Reducing the Level of Sugar in the Blood for Rapid Weight Loss

Jessie Inchauspé became an expert on glycemic spikes following a serious accident when she was only 19 years old, in which she broke her back.

“I was very scared, I had a very important operation and suffered from the after-effects for years. So I searched for a way to reconnect with my body, to take care of it, to feel better and regain my serenity.”

With this goal in mind, Jessie graduated in Biochemistry and then worked in the field of genetics in San Francisco.

“There I experienced for the first time a sensor to record my glycemia. Suddenly I could see and understand what was happening in my body. I did researches on sugar and glycemia.

I changed the way I ate, especially in the evening, and I finally felt good. Weight, mental health, skin, energy, mood… everything was much better.”

Why is it necessary to stabilise glycemia in order to lose weight?

Because 80% of non-diabetics have glycemic peaks every day, without knowing it.” 

These peaks trigger 3 physiological processes: insulin secretion, inflammation and accelerated ageing.

And these 3 processes are at the root of: overweight, cravings, constant hunger, fatigue, ageing, wrinkles, sleep problems, polycystic ovary syndrome and, of course, the silent development of diabetes

The good news is that regulating the level of sugar in your blood is simple and can really change your life. We are talking about an emergency, if you think that currently only 10% of Italians have normal blood sugar levels.

Dinner is the key to stabilising glycemia and losing weight.

If we want to lose weight easily without going hungry, we should not skip any of the main meals. However, we should consider that dinner should be light and controlled in terms of calorie consumption.

The food we eat at the end of the day provides a calorie contribution that is not consumed.

How to counter hunger in the evening?

It must be clear in our minds that hunger is the main obstacle to losing weight: experiencing a high sense of satiety is, therefore, the key element in sustaining a healthy weight-loss process.

In this regard, Snellvis is a highly innovative and effective product: it counters evening hunger attacks by greatly increasing the sense of satiety and drastically reducing dinner portions.

All this without health risks and respecting the organism: the ingredients are all natural and of high quality; furthermore, it does not contain any exciting substances (coffee, ginseng, green tea etc) or laxatives.

Taking Snellvis for 2 months is essential to use up glycogen (sugar) reserves. This stabilises glycemia and the extraordinary result is that you will no longer feel that need to “nibble” due to the constant sugar drop

Dinner can consist of low-calorie foods, such as cooked or raw vegetables, with the addition of a small amount of protein, preferably vegetable. All this, avoiding carbohydrates and/or sugars of any kind.

This combination of nutrients also helps to keep the metabolism active.

This healthy approach has already helped thousands of people lose weight. It is not a diet, but a way of life: a way of eating and, above all, of losing weight definitively, which helps to live a longer and healthier life.

As the famous saying goes “breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper”.

Losing weight is essential in order to feel good about ourselves.

Also for this week you can find it in an extraordinary promotion. Take advantage of it now!

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