It is certainly not a saying ‘mens sana in corpore sano‘: a healthy body is the best medicine for feeling good mentally, having energy and maintaining a good mood. Toxemia, an ancient science, states that the accumulation and excess of toxins in the body can make us sick.

Toxins are divided into two types:
Exogenous Toxins: originating from external factors, such as environmental pollutants and food additives.
Endogenous Toxins: produced directly by our organism, they result from organic processes, such as cell turnover and metabolism.

These toxins, both external and internal, must be expelled periodically.
It is often thought that it is only necessary to purify the body when complaints occur.
In reality, maintaining a detoxified organism is vital for its health, precisely to avoid the accumulation of toxins that inevitably leads to disease.

Where Does Purification of the Organism Start?

Purification begins with the liver, one of the most important organs in our organism.
The liver is responsible for many essential functions in our lives, including the distribution of daily energy, as taught by Chinese Medicine.
The liver is also, and above all, the organ of transformation and acceptance: liver disorders can result from unresolved conflicts, accumulated anger, recurring negative thoughts, tension and bad moods.
If we often feel tired or nervous, liver purification is the basis.

What are the Symptoms of an Intoxicated Organism?

  • Tiredness, nervousness, anxiety and mood swings.
  • Sudden hunger attacks, poor digestion, allergies and intolerances.
  • Tendency to gain weight and/or difficulty losing weight.
  • Bloated abdomen, irritable colon.
  • Frequent colds or other viral illnesses.
  • Dull skin and increased wrinkles.

How to purify yourself naturally?

Among the most effective natural extracts for purification, Milk Thistle, Artichoke and Dandelion hold a place of honour.
These are the three scientifically recognised elective plants for a deep purification process.
Hepax Depurative is made precisely with concentrated extracts of Milk Thistle, Artichoke and Dandelion: they are the best solution for deep purification of the liver and organism, stimulating an overall improvement in health.

The main benefits of purification

  • More vitality and energy.
  • More stable and positive mood.
  • Improved concentration and intellectual performance.
  • Loss of excess kilos.
  • Better digestion.
  • Disappearance of periodic headaches and pains.
  • More radiant and hydrated skin.
  • Stronger hair and nails.
  • Possible disappearance of health complaints.
  • Enhanced immune system.
  • Hormonal rebalancing.

Purifying the liver and organism not only improves physical health, but also mental health, leading to a more balanced and peaceful life.
Try Hepax Depurative and rediscover the well-being of your body and mind..

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