“Why can’t I lose weight?“: most of the time this frustrating exclamation is not verbally expressed, it is hidden inside and is the sign of the enormous and constant distress of those who are overweight (about 65% of women between the ages of 40 and 50).
However, rigorous scientific studies, which are fundamental and essential, show that overweight and obesity can actually be solved and, even better, prevented.
How to resolve overweight and obesity?
By basing our lives on the circadian rhythm. When we talk about the circadian rhythm, we are referring to a real daily biological clock that “moves its hands” constantly throughout the 24 hours.
This process regulates the production of certain hormones and neurotransmitters that directly regulate brain activity. The system that underlies the regulation of this rhythm is finely controlled by a group of cells located in the hypothalamus.
Circadian rhythm: how does it work?
Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology thanks to their valuable studies on this interesting topic. They were able to study the organism and understand how the circadian rhythm works.
According to their studies, each day is divided into cycles of 3 hours, during which our organism is led to do certain activities rather than others.
Unfortunately, in our modern lives this balance is severely compromised and many researchers claim that not respecting this rhythm, for weeks or months or years, exposes us to chronic diseases. On the other hand, almost all of us now go to bed late at night, often in order to finish a job, watch TV, do homework, etc.
Every single cell in our body has its own clock: each one, therefore, has its own peak performance at certain times of the day. And, consequently, each organ needs to rest and regenerate at other times.
All of these individual clocks work together, not only to set our rhythms for sleep, mood, and even the gut microbiome, but also and especially for metabolism.
The unnatural interference with our circadian rhythm has negative effects and sends out various signals to our mind and body. The symptoms of this disruption are: anxiety, stress, insomnia, bad mood, depression, tiredness, nervousness and overweight.
Circadian rhythm and losing weight: the link
Nutrition is crucial for maintaining the health of our organism and our circadian rhythm. Every organ, as well as the intestinal microbiota, has a biological clock and follows its own rhythm.
The synchronisation with the circadian cycle is connected to the signal induced by the consumption of meals, which is at its highest during the breakfast and lunch phases, while it decreases towards the evening, when the energy load should be reduced.
From 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. is the vegetable phase, preferably fresh and cooked using delicate cooking methods such as steaming or grilling, accompanied by the correct amount of protein in adults (0.8 to 1 g per kg body weight).
My grandmother used to repeat it over and over again as a guideline for the diet: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper“. This saying has been tested in a number of international scientific studies and the result is surprising.
Chronobiology, the science of circadian rhythms, promotes a light dinner. While the principle that consuming the right amount of calories is fundamental to managing our weight remains valid, changing the “when” to eat the same foods and take in the same calories greatly influences weight loss in overweight or obese people.
The Scientific Studies and their surprising results
Israeli researchers conducted a study dividing a group of overweight or obese women into two groups and giving them the same calories every day.
One group was offered a 700-calorie breakfast, a 500-calorie lunch and a 200-calorie dinner. The other group was given the opposite diet, with 200 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 700 for dinner. Following the calories the two groups should have lost the same weight, but they did not. The “breakfast like a king” group lost more than twice the weight of the other group: almost 10 kg against 4 kg.
What can we learn from this research and apply to our diet? The diet with the most calories introduced in the morning is the one in which participants lost the most weight. Those who moved their main meal to lunch instead of dinner also benefited greatly in terms of weight loss.
Read more about the Scientific Study
Snellvis to rebalance circadian rhythm
However, our modern lifestyles have transformed our diets, dramatically increasing the amount of fats and carbohydrates rather than fruit and vegetables, and our frenetic lives don’t make it easy to make healthy choices to avoid being overweight, such as eating a light, low-carb, fat-free dinner.
Few people are able to take the steps in diet, physical exercise and lifestyle that science considers necessary to enjoy a proper “healthy weight”.
Snellvis is a new and exclusive supplement designed with the latter fundamental considerations in mind: it effectively counters evening hunger, including the nervous hunger of dinner and after-dinner snacks, allowing you to lose weight constantly and definitively, without effort or stress.
Snellvis is the sachet that makes you feel so full that you are no longer hungry!
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